The hen and the falcon

Moral of the story: we should not judge others too quickly without knowing their whole story.
Once upon a time, there was a falcon and a hen who were talking to each other. The falcon said to the hen, “You are the most ungrateful bird.” The hen asked angrily, “Why do you say that?” The falcon replied, “Your master feeds you, but you fly from one corner to another if they come to catch you. You are ungrateful. I’m a wild bird, yet I always please those who are kind to me.”

The hen asked quietly, “How would you feel if you saw a falcon roasted over a fire? I have seen hundreds of hens being cooked on fire. If you were in my place, you would never come near your masters again. And while I only fly from corner to corner, you would fly from hill to hill.”
The falcon paused and realized that he had judged the hen too quickly. He had never experienced the fear and danger that hens faced. He felt sorry and said, “You are right, and I am sorry for judging you. I didn’t know your whole story.”

From that day on, the falcon and the hen became good friends. They learned to respect and understand each other’s differences. The falcon learned to appreciate the hen’s bravery, and the hen learned to understand the falcon’s freedom.
They started exploring the countryside together. The falcon would fly high in the sky, and the hen would follow him on the ground. They saw beautiful trees, rivers, and flowers. They met other animals too, and the falcon introduced the hen to his friends.
One day, while they were flying together, they saw a group of people trying to catch the hen. The falcon quickly flew down and scared the people away. The hen was amazed and grateful. She said to the falcon, “Thank you for saving me! I now understand that even though we are different, we can help and protect each other.”
Moral of the story of “The hen and the falcon”: we should not judge others too quickly without knowing their whole story. We should try to understand and respect each other’s differences and be kind and helpful towards one another