The camel’s revenge

Moral of the story: We should always be considerate of others and think about how our actions might affect them.
Once upon a time, there was a camel and a jackal who were great friends. One day, they decided to go to a watermelon field to have a feast.

They ate lots of juicy watermelons and had a great time. But after eating, the jackal started howling loudly. The camel got worried and said, “Please don’t howl, your howling will bring the farmer here.” But the jackal replied, “Singing is good for my digestion,” and continued to howl.

Soon enough, the farmer came and saw the two animals eating his watermelons. He got angry and started beating the camel with a stick while the jackal ran away.

Another day, the camel offered to give the jackal a ride on his back while he swam in the river. The jackal happily agreed and climbed onto the camel’s back.

But once they were in the water, the camel started to dive under the water. The jackal got scared and cried out, “What are you doing? I will drown!” The camel replied, “I must take a dive if I am in water. It’s good for my health,” and went under the water, leaving the jackal helpless.

This story teaches us that we should always think about others and not just ourselves. The jackal didn’t think about how his howling would affect the camel, and the camel didn’t think about how his diving would affect the jackal. We should always be considerate of others and try to make sure our actions don’t harm them.
Moral of the story of “The camel’s revenge”: We should always be considerate of others and think about how our actions might affect them. Both the jackal and the camel acted selfishly without thinking about the consequences for the other. The jackal howled without considering that it might bring the farmer, and the camel dived without considering that it might cause the jackal to drown. We should always try to make sure our actions don’t harm others and be mindful of their needs and feelings.