The Dove and the Ant

The Dove and the Ant

The Dove and the Ant Moral Story

Moral of the Story: A good deed is always repaid with a good deed.

Once upon a time, on the bank of a sparkling river, there stood a tall tree. On one of its many branches lived a kind dove named Dina. Dina loved to sit on her branch and watch the world go by.

One sunny day, as Dina was resting on her branch, she noticed an ant named Andy struggling in the river below. The strong current was sweeping Andy away, and he was crying out for help, “Help me! Save me!”

Dina felt pity for the poor ant. She quickly plucked a large leaf from the tree and flew down to the river. She placed the leaf near Andy, who quickly climbed onto it. Dina then picked up the leaf with Andy on it and gently placed it on the riverbank.

“Thank you very much, my dear dove friend. I will never forget your help,” said Andy gratefully.

Days passed, and one afternoon, as Dina was napping on her favorite branch, a hunter came by. He saw Dina and aimed his bow and arrow at her. Andy, who was nearby, saw the hunter and realized that his friend was in danger.

“Oh no, my friend is in danger! I need to help her,” cried Andy. He quickly crept behind the hunter and bit his toe as hard as he could.

“Ouch!” yelled the hunter, losing his grip on the bow. The arrow missed Dina, and the hunter’s cry woke her up. Realizing the danger, Dina flew to a safer place.

Dina was saved by Andy’s quick thinking and bravery. She was very grateful to her little friend. From that day on, Dina and Andy remained the best of friends, always looking out for each other.

And so, Dina learned that a good deed is always repaid with a good deed. Helping others brings kindness back to you in unexpected ways.

Moral of the Story: A good deed is always repaid with a good deed.