The Ugly Tree

Moral of the Story: Always be content with what you have.
Once upon a time, in a dense and beautiful forest, there stood a big tree named Timmy. Timmy was not like the other trees around him. He had crooked branches, pale and dirty leaves, and a disfigured trunk. The other trees in the forest were tall, straight, and elegant, while Timmy was much shorter and looked quite different.
Timmy was never happy with himself. He often envied the other beautiful trees around him. “Look at me,” Timmy would sigh, “How ugly I am! My branches are so crooked, and my leaves are so dirty. How I wish I could be as beautiful as the other trees.”
One day, a woodcutter came to the forest to collect firewood. He looked around and saw the tall, straight trees. “These tall trees will make good wood. Let me chop them first,” he said to himself. The woodcutter started chopping down a few of the long, slender trees.
After he had chopped down several trees, he came to Timmy. The woodcutter walked around Timmy and examined him carefully. “This tree seems to have some problems,” he thought. “Moreover, these twisted branches won’t be of any use to me. Let me not waste time cutting it down.”
The woodcutter picked up the chopped wood and went away, leaving Timmy standing there. Timmy heaved a sigh of relief. All these days, he had thought he was ugly, but now he realized that his very same ugliness had saved his life.
Timmy learned an important lesson that day: Always be content with what you have. From then on, he stopped comparing himself to the other trees and appreciated his unique appearance. Timmy understood that everyone has their own special qualities, and it’s important to be happy with who you are.
Moral of the Story: Always be content with what you have.