The Young Man and His Destiny
Moral of the story: Do your best, but remember that sometimes things happen because they are meant to be.
Once upon a time, there was a young man who lived in a small village. His father was a merchant and one day, he got angry with his son for buying a book that only had one verse in it: “You get what is destined for you.” The father thought his son was foolish and kicked him out of the house.
The young man was very sad and didn’t know what to do. So, he took his book and started traveling. He kept repeating the verse to himself as he walked. On his way, he arrived in a village where the people asked him his name. He replied with the verse from his book: “You get what is destined for you.”
And so, that became his name. The young man continued his journey and many things happened to him. He met a princess who mistook him for someone else and spent time with him. He also accidentally married a watchman’s daughter.
One day, he saw a marriage procession and followed it. Suddenly, a mad elephant appeared and everyone ran away in fear. But the young man was brave. He grabbed a nail and jabbed it into the elephant, scaring it away.
The bride was very grateful to him for saving her life. She decided that she wanted to marry him instead of her groom. This caused a big argument and the king had to come to solve the problem.
The king asked the young man to explain everything that had happened. All the young man said was: “You get what is destined for you.” The princess and the watchman’s daughter were there too and they were embarrassed when they heard his words.
The king listened to everyone’s story and decided to reward the young man for his bravery. He gave him many gifts and married him to his princess daughter. The bride-in-waiting and the watchman’s daughter also married him in the same ceremony.
The young man built a castle and brought his parents and relatives to live with him. They all lived happily ever after.
Moral of the story “The Young Man and His Destiny” is do your best, but remember that sometimes things happen because they are meant to be.