The Weaver’s Journey and His Destiny
Moral of the story: Work hard but remember that sometimes things happen because they are meant to be. Be happy with what you have and be kind to others.
Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a weaver named Somilaka. He was very skilled and made the most exquisite clothes that were fit for kings and princes. But despite his talent, he didn’t earn much money. He saw that other weavers in his village, who made clothes that weren’t as good as his, were rich and prosperous.
Somilaka was frustrated and didn’t understand why he wasn’t successful. So, he decided to leave his village and go to another city to try his luck. His wife didn’t want him to go because she was afraid that things might not be better in another place. But Somilaka had made up his mind and set off on his journey.
In the new city, Somilaka worked hard and was successful. His beautiful clothes became popular and he earned a lot of money. In just three years, he had saved three hundred gold coins. He was very happy and proud of his achievement. He decided it was time to go back home to his wife.
But on his way home, something strange happened. As he was walking through the jungle, he heard two voices talking. One voice said that he shouldn’t have earned so much money because he didn’t need it. The other voice said that he had worked hard and deserved it.
Somilaka was confused and didn’t know what to make of it. He checked his bag to make sure his money was still there. But to his shock, all his gold coins were gone. He couldn’t believe it. All his hard work for the last three years had been for nothing.
Somilaka was heartbroken and didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t bear the thought of going back home empty-handed. So, he decided to go back to the city and start all over again.
He worked even harder this time and in just one year, he had earned five hundred gold coins. He was determined to go back home to his wife with his hard-earned money.
But as he was walking through the jungle again, he heard the two voices once more. They said the same thing as before. Somilaka quickly checked his bag and saw that all his gold coins were gone again.
He was devastated and felt like giving up. He thought there was no point in living if all his efforts were in vain. So, he went to a temple and decided to spend the night there.
As he lay down to sleep, he heard a voice from heaven speaking to him. It was Destiny itself. Destiny told him that it had taken his money because he didn’t need it for a living. But it was pleased with his hard work and offered to grant him a wish.
Somilaka thought about it and asked for a lot of gold coins so that he could be rich like the other weavers in his village. But Destiny said that he wasn’t meant to have more money than he needed for a living.
Destiny had another idea. It asked Somilaka to go back to the city and visit two merchants’ houses. Then, after observing their behavior, Somilaka could tell Destiny how he wanted his money.
Somilaka did as Destiny asked. He visited one merchant who was very rich but treated him badly even though he was a guest in his house. Then, he visited another merchant who wasn’t rich but treated him kindly and welcomed him warmly into his home.
At night, Somilaka heard the two voices again talking about how the merchants had treated him. The next morning, when Somilaka woke up, he saw that the kind merchant had been rewarded by the king for his good deeds.
Somilaka thought about everything that had happened on his journey and realized something important. Even though the kind merchant wasn’t as wealthy as the rich merchant, he led a better life because he was generous and kind.
On his way home, Destiny spoke to him again and asked him how he wanted his money. Somilaka thought carefully about it and said that he only wanted enough money to enjoy life like the kind merchant.
Destiny granted his wish and Somilaka went back home with some money that made his wife happy. They lived happily ever after, content with what they had.
Moral of the story “The Weaver’s Journey and His Destiny” is work hard but remember that sometimes things happen because they are meant to be. Be happy with what you have and be kind to others.