The Ungrateful Lion and the Clever Man

Moral of the story: Always be grateful for what you have, and never forget those who have helped you along the way.
Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a lion who was caught in a trap cage. He tried all he could to escape, but nothing helped. Then he saw a man passing by and asked him to help, promising that he would not eat him. Trusting the lion, the man opened the cage. The lion came out of the cage but forgot all about his promise. He now wanted to eat the man.

The man was worried and thought of a way to save his life. He suggested that they should present their case to a judge. A jackal passing by was asked to be the judge. The jackal was quite clever and asked them to show him what had actually happened.
The lion entered the cage, and the man quickly shut the door and locked it. The man and the jackal ran away, teaching the ungrateful lion a lesson.
But that’s not the end of the story! The clever man decided to teach the lion another lesson. He went back to the cage and told the lion that he had forgotten something important inside. The lion, thinking that he could get another chance to eat the man, went back inside.
The man quickly shut the door and locked it again. This time, he decided to teach the lion a lesson that he would never forget. He told the jackal to find some honey and pour it all over the lion’s mane.
When the lion woke up, he found himself covered in honey. Bees were buzzing around him, attracted by the sweet smell of honey. The lion tried to run away, but he couldn’t because of all the bees buzzing around him.
The clever man came back and said to the lion, “You see, you were ungrateful to me when I saved your life. Now you are paying for your mistake.”
The ungrateful lion learned his lesson and never forgot it again.
Moral of the story “The Ungrateful Lion and the Clever Man”: Always be grateful for what you have, and never forget those who have helped you along the way.