The King Cobra and the ants

Moral of the story: Pride goes before fall.
Once upon a time, a huge king kobra lived in a dense forest. He hunted during the night and slept during the day and was in a small hole. He consumed small insects as a child. He began eating eggs, lizards, frogs, and even rabbits as he grew older. And as he grew older, he began to consume a variety of smaller snakes.

As time passed, he grew so fat that it became difficult for him to squeeze into and out of his hole in the tree. The king cobra started to terrify all small animals. His pride was boosted by this. “Now I am by far the most powerful creature,” he started to think. I rule the forest as its king. All living things fear me. Let me move from this tiny space to something much larger.
So, he went in search of another tree. Finally, the cobra selected a very big tree as his new home. But there was a large ant hill at the foot of the tree. He slithered up to the ant hill angrily, spread his hood, and said very rudely to the ants. I am the king of this forest. I don’t want any one of you around, I order all of you to find some other places to live otherwise be prepared for your end.

The ants were so united that they were not scared of the cobra. Instead, thousands of ants marched out and covered the Cobra’s whole body with stings and bites. The king cobra could hardly bear the pain. The evil snakes slithered away, crying with pain.

Moral of the story of King Cobra and the ants: We should not be proud of anything as pride goes before fall.