Fighting Goats and the Jackal

The moral of this story: We shouldn’t let greed blind us to danger.
Once upon a time, a wise sage was walking through a jungle when he came across two golden rams fighting each other. Even though they were both wounded and bleeding, they didn’t stop fighting and kept ramming into each other.
At the same time, a hungry jackal was passing by. When he saw all the blood on the ground, he started licking it up, not caring about the fighting rams.
The sage watched this and thought to himself, “This jackal is foolish. He’s become greedy because of the smell of blood. If he gets too close to the fighting rams, he’ll get hurt.”
Just as the sage had predicted, the jackal got too close to the fighting rams while trying to get more blood. He got caught in the middle of their fight and both rams rammed into him by mistake. The jackal was hit on the head and fell down, severely wounded.
The moral of this story “Fighting Goats and the Jackal” is that we shouldn’t let greed blind us to danger. The jackal was so focused on getting more blood that he didn’t see the danger of getting too close to the fighting rams. In the end, his greed led to his downfall.