The Wolf and the Crane

Moral of the Story: Never trust a promise from someone who is untrustworthy.
Once upon a time, a hungry wolf was wandering through the forest when he found a big, dead animal. “Wow, this will make a wonderful meal!” thought the wolf. He quickly jumped on it and began eating hurriedly.
The wolf was in such a rush that he didn’t chew his food properly. Suddenly, a bone got stuck in his throat! The wolf tried hard to get the bone out, but he couldn’t. He even tried to swallow the bone to continue eating, but it didn’t work.
Feeling desperate, the wolf went to a crane that lived by a river. The wolf said to the crane, “A bone has got stuck in my throat while I was eating. Please help me get it out with your long neck. I promise I will pay you well.”
The crane agreed to help. He inserted his long beak inside the wide-open mouth of the wolf. The crane’s long neck helped him reach down the wolf’s throat and pull the bone out. After successfully removing the bone, the crane said, “Now pay me for my service.”
The cunning wolf laughed and said, “For your service? You should thank me for allowing you to get your head out of my mouth safely!”
The crane realized that he should never have trusted the wolf’s promise. He learned an important lesson: never trust a promise from someone who is untrustworthy.
And from that day on, the crane was very careful about whom he trusted.
Moral of the Story: Never trust a promise from someone who is untrustworthy.