The Potter Who Wasn’t a Fighter

Moral of the story: Be happy with who you are and do what you love. Don’t pretend to be someone else.
Once upon a time, there was a man named Yudhi. He was very poor and made pots for a living. He was a good potter, but he liked to drink a little too much.
One night, after drinking a lot, Yudhi was walking home. He was very clumsy and bumped into a pile of his own pots! Crash! Bang! The pots broke, and a sharp piece cut Yudhi’s head. Ouch! It hurt a lot.
Yudhi didn’t have any special medicine, so his head took a long time to heal. When it finally got better, he had a big, ugly scar on his forehead.
After a while, there wasn’t enough food for everyone, so Yudhi had to leave his home and find a new place to live. He found a group of people who worked for the king. Yudhi wanted a job too, so he started working with them.
The king saw Yudhi’s big scar and thought he was a brave warrior. He thought the scar was from a big battle! The king was so impressed that he made Yudhi a special soldier.
But Yudhi was really just a potter who liked to make pots! He was scared to fight, because he didn’t know how to use a sword or a shield. The other soldiers were jealous of Yudhi because the king liked him so much.
One day, the king called all his soldiers together. There was going to be a big fight with other kings. The king wanted to talk to all his brave soldiers and give them special things to help them fight.
Yudhi was very scared. He didn’t want to go to the fight! He wished he could just go back to making pots. But he tried to be brave.
When the king saw Yudhi, he asked, “Brave warrior, how did you get that big scar on your head?”
Yudhi was scared, but he told the truth. He said, “I didn’t get the scar in a battle, Your Highness. I was a silly potter who fell down and hit my head on a broken pot!”
The king was very surprised. He told Yudhi to leave because he wasn’t a real warrior.
Yudhi was very sad. He didn’t want to go back to making pots. He wanted to be a brave soldier like the others. Yudhi got down on his knees and said, “Please, King, don’t send me away! I can be brave. Let me fight in the big battle!”
The king was kind, but he knew Yudhi couldn’t fight. He said, “Yudhi, you are a good man, but fighting is not for you. The other soldiers will laugh at you because you are a potter. It would be very dangerous for you.”
Yudhi was sad, but he knew the king was right. He thanked the king and went back to his home.
Yudhi went back to making pots. He learned a very important lesson. It’s better to be honest and do what you’re good at. Trying to be someone you’re not can cause big trouble.
Moral of the story: Be happy with who you are and do what you love. Don’t pretend to be someone else.