The false friend

Moral of the story of “The false friend”: we should always listen to our friends when they warn us about something.
Once upon a time, there was a deer and a crow who were great friends. They would often spend time together, chatting and playing in the forest.

One day, the crow saw the deer with a jackal. Jackals are known to be cunning animals, so he warned his friend that the jackal could not be trusted.

The deer ignored the crow’s warning and went with the jackal to a field. The jackal sneered, “I’m going to call the farmer. He will kill you, and I will get a share of your meat.” The deer cried, realizing that he had made a terrible mistake.

The crow heard his friend’s cries and came to help him. He asked the deer to pretend he was dead. Soon, the farmer came as he heard the jackal’s howls. He saw the deer lying dead in his trap. He opened the trap to check, but the deer ran away as fast as he could.
The angry farmer hit the jackal and drove him away. The crow and the deer were reunited, and the deer thanked his friend for saving his life.

The moral of this story is that we should always listen to our friends when they warn us about something. They have our best interests at heart and want to protect us from harm. It’s also important to be careful when making new friends and to choose them wisely.

Moral of the story of “The false friend”: we should always listen to our friends when they warn us about something. They have our best interests at heart and want to protect us from harm