The Bird and the Monkeys

Moral of the story is sometimes it is better to keep your advice to yourself, especially when it is not asked for or appreciated.
Once upon a time, in a lush green forest nestled in the mountains, there lived a group of monkeys. They were a lively bunch, always jumping from tree to tree and playing with each other. However, one winter, the forest was hit by heavy rains. The rain poured down relentlessly, drenching everything in its path. The monkeys were caught in the rain and began to shiver in the cold.
As they huddled together for warmth, some of the monkeys spotted some colorful Gunja fruits lying on the ground. The fruits were bright red and orange, and to the monkeys, they looked like embers of fire. Hoping to make a fire to warm themselves up, the monkeys eagerly gathered the fruits and began to blow at them.
Perched on a nearby tree was a wise old bird, who had been watching the monkeys with amusement. Seeing their vain attempts to make fire with the fruits, the bird decided to offer them some advice. “My dear friends,” it called out, “what you are doing is pointless. Those are Gunja fruits, not embers of fire. You will never be able to make fire with them.”
The bird continued, “Instead of wasting your time and energy on this fruitless task, why don’t you go and find some shelter? There must be a cave or a burrow nearby where you can take refuge from the rain and cold winds.”
But the monkeys did not appreciate the bird’s advice. One old monkey grumpily replied, “Mind your own business, bird. Why are you interfering in our affairs?”
The bird was taken aback by the monkey’s rude response but did not give up. It flew down from its perch on the tree and landed near the monkeys. “Please listen to me,” it implored them. “I am only trying to help you. Your efforts are in vain. These fruits will not protect you from the cold.”
But the monkeys were stubborn and refused to listen to reason. They continued to blow at the fruits, ignoring the bird’s chatter. The bird persisted in its efforts to convince them but to no avail.
In its frustration, one of the monkeys suddenly lashed out at the bird. It caught hold of it and smashed it against the ground with all its might. The poor bird was severely wounded and lay there helplessly.
Moral of the story “The Bird and the Monkeys” is sometimes it is better to keep your advice to yourself, especially when it is not asked for or appreciated.