Belling the Cat

Moral of the Story: Imaginary Solutions Never Serve a Purpose
Once upon a time, in a bustling little grocer’s shop, there lived many mice. These mice were named Timmy, Sammy, Molly, and Polly. They were very happy and spent their days gobbling up all the delicious grocery items they could find. “Yummy, so tasty!” they would squeak as they nibbled on grains, cheese, and other treats.
However, the shopkeeper was not happy at all. He was losing a lot of his goods to the mice and decided he needed to do something about it. So, he got a cat named Whiskers to deal with the nuisance.
Whiskers was a clever and swift cat. In just a few days, she managed to catch and eat a number of mice. This scared the remaining mice, and they could no longer live their happy, carefree lives as before. They were always on edge, worried about when Whiskers might pounce on them next.
One day, the mice decided to hold an urgent meeting to find a solution to the cat menace. They gathered in a hidden corner of the shop, whispering their ideas.
“We need to get rid of the cat,” said Timmy, the leader of the mice. “But how?” asked Sammy, looking worried.
Molly, who was always full of ideas, spoke up. “If somehow we could know when the cat is coming towards us, we could hide somewhere to save ourselves.”
Polly, the cleverest of them all, had a suggestion. “What about a bell around the cat’s neck? That way, we would hear her coming and have time to escape.”
“Wow, that’s a great idea!” replied all the mice in unison. They praised Polly for her brilliant suggestion and felt hopeful for the first time in days.
However, just as they were about to celebrate, an old and wise mouse named Grandpa Squeaky stood up. “Wait before you cheer,” he said. “Think about it. Who is going to bell the cat?”
All the mice fell silent. They looked at each other, realizing the difficulty of the task. No one wanted to risk their life to put a bell around Whiskers’ neck. The room was filled with silence as they understood that their brilliant idea was impossible to execute.
And so, the mice learned an important lesson that day. Imaginary solutions, no matter how clever they seem, never serve a purpose if they cannot be put into action.
Moral of the Story: Imaginary Solutions Never Serve a Purpose