The Four Cows and the Clever Tiger

Moral of the story: United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
Once upon a time, in a deep, lush forest, there lived four cows who were the best of friends. Their names were Bella, Clover, Daisy, and Fern. These cows did everything together. They grazed on the green grass, drank from the cool streams, and even took naps under the shade of the big, old oak tree. Wherever they went, they always stayed together as a group.
Despite living in a forest full of wild animals, none of the predators dared to harm them. The reason was simple: the cows were united. They always looked out for each other and defended one another from any danger. This unity made them strong and fearless.
However, there was a clever tiger in the forest who had been watching the cows for a long time. His name was Stripes. Stripes was always hungry and dreamed of feasting on the fat, juicy cows. “How tasty these cows would be,” he thought to himself. But every time he tried to attack, the cows would band together and chase him away with their sharp horns and loud moos.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Stripes grew more and more frustrated. He knew he couldn’t defeat the cows as long as they stayed united. Then, one day, something unexpected happened.
The four cows had a big quarrel. Bella wanted to graze near the river, but Clover preferred the meadow. Daisy and Fern couldn’t agree on where to nap. They started arguing loudly.
“Don’t talk to me!” shouted Bella.
“You don’t talk to me either!” yelled Clover.
“I don’t want to be in this group anymore,” said Daisy angrily.
“Neither do I!” added Fern.
In their anger, each cow went in a different direction to graze, leaving their usual spot under the oak tree. They were so upset that they didn’t even notice Stripes watching them from behind the bushes.
Stripes’s eyes gleamed with excitement. “Finally, the day has arrived,” he thought with a sly grin. He knew this was his chance. Without wasting any time, he pounced upon the cows one by one. Since they were alone, they couldn’t defend themselves. Stripes gobbled them up quickly, one after the other.
The forest became silent again, but the lesson was clear: the cows had lost their strength because they had let their quarrel divide them. If they had stayed united, they would have been safe from the tiger.
And so, the story of the four cows and the clever tiger teaches us that unity is strength. When we stand together, we can overcome any challenge. But if we let disagreements divide us, we become vulnerable to dangers.
Moral of the story: United We Stand, Divided We Fall.